And so she would tell me
My grandmother's word
That at 5 years
So young was she
To paint a great sycamore tree
And so she would tell me
My grandmother's word
That at 10 years
A rich young girl
Aristocratic family world
And so she would tell me
My grandmother's word
Fifteen she was
Painting to dusk
With perfume of Vanilla Musk
And so she would tell me
My grandmother's word
Twenty she be
Admirers, lots
Lux and lovers tight in knots
And so we would come
Grandmother would tell
Age twenty-three
Superior be?
Was that truly her life to lead?
Every day quite past noon
Outside was she found
With white blonde hair
Fair skin had she
Outside again, paints with her be
Long walks through summer's days
Cat held through winter
Punished by him
Father would not
Allow her to live alone and to rot
Penelope Woodville
Yet still would not nod
Too young, clever,
Stubborn, heartstrong
Would work for her own name long
If art was to own her
My grandmother knew
Own life be it
Luxury too
Together, make her strong and true
And so she would tell me
My grandmother's word
At age thirty
Business queen
Posh gallery did she begin
And come, her admirers
Her work may they see
And lower class
Their souls may last!
Would pay or otherwise would pass
And Father, was he joyed
At daughter's good work?
Indeed, he was
Her art was named
The best in all of London's framed
So come now quite further
To age thirty-two
Lover at last
Married was she
Son did she give birth to thee
Daddy then walks inside
Back from his hard work
Spots me gazing
His mother's face
A portrait, her, with dress of lace
-A poem for a Polyvore group, Stardust Sanctuary
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